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Thursday, June 4, 2020

Fortnite's Live Event, Season 3 Postponed Again, Epic Games Announces

Fortnite’s next live event and Season 3 have been postponed once again, this time due to the protests in the US. Epic Games made the announcement through its blog post stating that the teams need to “focus on themselves, their families, and their communities.”

from Gadgets 360 https://ift.tt/2A0EcQL

Snapchat to No Longer Promote Trump in Discover for Inciting 'Racial Violence'

Snapchat on Wednesday became the latest social network moving to curb the reach of US President Donald Trump, claiming the president has been inciting "racial violence."

from Gadgets 360 https://ift.tt/2U7VlyK

TikTok, Aarogya Setu and 8 other most-downloaded apps in the world

from Gadgets Now https://ift.tt/3cxBqjp

TikTok, Aarogya Setu and 8 other most-downloaded apps in the world

from Gadgets Now https://ift.tt/3cxBqjp

Human activity threatens vertebrate evolutionary history

A new study maps for the first time the evolutionary history of the world's terrestrial vertebrates: amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. It explores how areas with large concentrations of evolutionarily distinct species are being impacted by our ever-increasing 'human footprint.'

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2XuWjaz

Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica

Researchers investigated the earliest humans in Central America and how they adapted over time to new and changing environments, and how those changes have affected human life histories and societies.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2XXrEBN

Discovery of ancient super-eruptions indicates the Yellowstone hotspot may be waning

Researchers report two newly identified super-eruptions associated with the Yellowstone hotspot track, including what they believe was the volcanic province's largest and most cataclysmic event. The results indicate the hotspot, which today fuels the famous geysers, mudpots, and fumaroles in Yellowstone National Park, may be waning in intensity.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/3gSBoGc

New test of dark energy and expansion from cosmic structures

A new paper has shown how large structures in the distribution of galaxies in the Universe provide the most precise tests of dark energy and cosmic expansion yet.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2UaiTTY

First optical measurements of Milky Way's Fermi Bubbles probe their origin

Astronomers have for the first time measured the Fermi Bubbles in the visible light spectrum. The Fermi Bubbles are two enormous outflows of high-energy gas that emanate from the Milky Way and the finding refines our understanding of the properties of these mysterious blobs.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2BoE0Ly

'Poisoned arrow' defeats antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Poison is lethal all on its own -- as are arrows -- and together, they can take down the strongest opponents. Researchers have found an antibiotic that simultaneously punctures bacterial walls and destroys folate within their cells -- killing like a poisoned arrow -- while proving immune to antibiotic resistance.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/36ZCxaw

Synthetic red blood cells mimic natural ones, and have new abilities

Scientists have tried to develop synthetic red blood cells that mimic the favorable properties of natural ones, such as flexibility, oxygen transport and long circulation times. Now, researchers have made synthetic red blood cells that have all of the cells' natural abilities, plus a few new ones.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2U5pbny

Study in twins finds our sensitivity is partly in our genes

Some people are more sensitive than others -- and around half of these differences can be attributed to our genes, new research has found.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2Xt8GUp

Scientists engineer human cells with squid-like transparency

Scientists described how they drew inspiration from cephalopod skin to endow mammalian cells with tunable transparency and light-scattering characteristics.

from All Top News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2zLVXn6

Study reveals continuous pathway to building blocks of life

A new study marks an important step forward in the effort to understand the chemical origins of life. The findings of this study demonstrate how 'continuous reaction networks' are capable of producing RNA precursors and possibly ultimately RNA itself -- a critical bridge to life.

from Top Technology News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2AznYOA

Read the e-mail SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell sent to employees after Demo-2 success, police brutality protests

Here's what SpaceX COO Gwynne Shotwell and CEO Elon Musk wrote to employees after Demo-2 success, and protests against racism and police brutality in the US.

from Tech https://ift.tt/3dvs7BD

Amazon reopens warehouses that were closed to protect them from looting

The company temporarily closed two of its Midwest delivery stations as a result of escalating civil unrest.

from Tech https://ift.tt/3drusO5

Metasurface opens world of polarization

Researchers have designed a metasurface that can be continuously tuned from linear to elliptical birefringence, opening up the entire space of polarization control with just one device. This single metasurface can operate as many birefringent materials in parallel, enabling more compact polarization manipulation, which could have far-reaching applications in polarization imaging, quantum optics, and other areas.

from Top Technology News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2Bo7nxw

Laying foundation for safer, longer-lasting batteries

Researchers sped-up the motion of lithium ions in solid-state batteries using the paddlewheel effect.

from Top Technology News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/3cver8s

App determines COVID-19 disease severity using artificial intelligence, biomarkers

A new mobile app can help clinicians determine which patients with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) are likely to have severe cases. Created by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry, the app uses artificial intelligence (AI) to assess risk factors and key biomarkers from blood tests, producing a COVID-19 'severity score.'

from Top Technology News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2Xsq7oa

Synthetic red blood cells mimic natural ones, and have new abilities

Scientists have tried to develop synthetic red blood cells that mimic the favorable properties of natural ones, such as flexibility, oxygen transport and long circulation times. But so far, most artificial red blood cells have had one or a few, but not all, key features of the natural versions. Now, researchers have made synthetic red blood cells that have all of the cells' natural abilities, plus a few new ones.

from Top Technology News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2U5pbny

Artificial intelligence can improve how chest images are used in care of COVID-19 patients

Artificial intelligence (AI) should be used to expand the role of chest X-ray imaging -- using computed tomography, or CT -- in diagnosing and assessing coronavirus infection so that it can be more than just a means of screening for signs of COVID-19 in a patient's lungs, say researchers in a new report.

from Top Technology News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2XSCCsg

Smart molecules could be key to computers with 100-times bigger memories

Researchers have discovered a single molecule 'switch' that can act like a transistor and offers the potential to store binary information -- such as the 1s and 0s used in classical computing.

from Top Technology News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2zYDl39

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey gives $3 million to Colin Kaepernick's organization

The Twitter founder gives to the organization as he faces criticism from conservatives.

from Tech https://ift.tt/3dADd8A

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